Claim: Facebook users shared photos of a lady carrying a gun alleging that the image is current Grand Bassa Senator Nyonblee Karngar-Lawrence.

Photo of the lady carrying the gun is not Sen. Karngar-Lawrence

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The outcry of establishing a war crimes court continues to increase among citizens in Liberia. There have been allegations of current officials linking to war crimes in the country with the latest of Sen. Karngar-Lawrence allege participation in the civil crises.

On Monday, May 17, 2021, a Facebook user named Wade Williams shared an image alleging that Karngar-Lawrence was one of the bodyguards during the civil war.

The Facebook post reads, “Opposition research by Nimba County Senator/warlord names Grand Bassa County Senator Nyonblee Karnga as one of the bodyguards during the war. Grand Bassa people, y’all come here, please. Is this your Senator? Photo credit Copied:

The post generated 70 comments, 14 reactions and 3 shares.

Social media debated the image,


The Stage Media contacted Sen Karngar-Lawrence, but she did not respond but on her Facebook page, she said, “Now they say I was fighting war …. Your get plenty of work to do!  We will not take scare tactics and lies over Liberia. We will fight to restore the image of our Country, so help me God!

A Liberian Archivist, Atty. Archie Williams disclosed that the image is Cecilia Lewis who died in a plane crash.

The University of Pennsylvania corroborated that Madam Lewis was involved in the crash along with Joe Tate, former Police Director.

At the same time, the image of the lady carrying a gun originally from Agnes Reeves Taylor.

Agnes Reeves-Taylor is the ex-wife of Liberia former incarcerated President Charles Taylor, who was charged with war crimes but said charges were lifted against her.


The post about Grand Bassa County Senator Nyonblee Karngar-Lawrence serving as a bodyguard during the civil war is False, there is no record that she participated in the crisis.


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