Pic Credit: Public Radio
The Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF), in partnership with the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA), launched a four-year project: Communities for Fisheries.
The project will build on the significant progress already made by NaFAA in improving the sustainable management of Liberia’s fisheries and implemented across four coastal counties: Margibi (Marshall) Grand Cape Mount (Robertsport), Grand Bassa (Buchanan) and Grand Kru (Grand Ces), engaging Kru and Fanti fishermen as well as fishmongers/fish processors.
But the Claim by EJF that over 33,000 people, including 11,000 fishers, rely on the fishing industry as their source of income to support their families is ‘Debatable’.
Image may contain: text that says 'The prevalence of illegal and overfishing activities in the Liberian waters continues to threaten the food security of 80% of the country's population that depend on fish for essential dietary protein. In addition, over 33,000 people, including 11,000 fishers, rely on the fishing industry as their source of income to support their families. The health of the fish stocks means there is still good potential for Liberia to increase its income from fisheries in a sustainable manner while safeguarding livelihoods for artisanal fisherman and the major source of protein for coastal populations. (<a href=https://maxnovahealthcare.com) ‘”>
The FAO report shows data different from what the EJF said in its press release.
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