Home Investigation A week ago, He Should Have Been Two years, But

A week ago, He Should Have Been Two years, But

Pool of Suspended NPA MD Image Credit: Facebook post

Samuel turned two years on September 4, 2022, but he couldn’t celebrate his birthday because he got drowned at the home of sanctioned National Port Authority home on August 28, 2022.

The minor body was discovered in the pool within the compound belonging to Bill Twehway after he and his mother had visited the Twehways’ at their district six residence in Paynesville.

What was supposed to have been a joyous moment turned into a rather sad day for the child’s parents, who were preparing to celebrate their son’s second anniversary.

He was buried on September 3, 2022, a day before his second birth anniversary.

Ma Julia is the grandmother of the deceased. She says, “last Sunday was supposed to make Samuel two years, but he did not live to see his day. She continues, “when you hear some people’s story, it’s more than ours, so we can’t do anything but leave it to God to fight for us.”

“It will not be well for anybody who did that to my grandson; they will pay for it,” she said in tears.

It is also said that since the incident, Deddeh, Child’s mother, had not been stable. She has started behaving strangely, leaving from one place to another without knowing anyone.

“On August 28, 2022, the child passed and we buried on September 3. Deddeh’s friend place Peace Island after the burial, but now when we called, she can’t be reached, the last time; we were told by one of the friends that Deddeh went Kakata and we do not know anyone there,” Ma Julia told TSM

Deddeh had always been at the center of such unfortunate situations, according to her mother. “This is not her first son; this had been happening to her, but not in this particular way, that’s why it is hard for us as family,” Ma Julia told TSM.

It can be recalled that during the morning hours of August 29, the suspended National Port Authority (NPA) Managing Director confirmed the death of a minor in the swimming pool at his ELWA Residence in Paynesville.

The incident occurred on August 28, 2022, and investigators from Pepper-Fish Police detainment in district number six immediately responded and took statements from all those in the space at Twehway’s home.

The police had gone mute to date, leaving the public in doubt with the belief that it has compromised the case because Twehway is a big name.

It’s barely two weeks since the incident occurred; to date, police authority says they are still investigating and have yet to give any preliminary information to this effect.



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