Home Education False: MICAT, Not Least Funded in National Budget

False: MICAT, Not Least Funded in National Budget


The Ministry of Information, Cultural and Tourism (MICAT) has been named as the least in the national budget. Journalists said the Ministry budget is the lowest and cannot help the government’s propaganda.

MICAT was established by law on May 11, 1972, and statutorily charged with the responsibility of developing and disseminating information about Liberia at home and abroad. The Ministry is also tasked with promoting national cultural and tourism values through various cultural groups and tourism center.

According to the National Budget, the Ministry listed key achievements of the fiscal year 2019-20:

Hosted regular press conferences at the Charles Gbenyon Press Room and decentralized the press briefings to other GOL Ministries and Agencies; Refurbished Liberia News Agency (LINA) Head Office; and established LINA county correspondents throughout the fifteen counties.

Its FY2020/21 object include:

Disseminate GOL Information services; Regulate media houses; Advocate support for increased GOL assistance to community radio

stations; and Promote, support, regulate and enhance the cultural and tourism programs locally and internationally.

The data (2018-2021) below shows the Ministry of Information is higher than these ministries: Gender Children and Social Protection, Mines and Energy, Transport, Post and Telecommunication and Labor etc.

Ministry 2018/19 2019/2020 2020/2021
Information Cultural and Tourism 2,843,357 1,950,259 2,407,281
Gender, Children Social Protection 2,251,697 1,677,005 2,204150
Mines and Energy 0 1,639,806 1,734,557
Transport 2,438,785 1,681,578 2,183,429
Post and Telecommunication 1,777,742 1,258,030 1,554,567
Labor 1,838,433 1,436,187 1,756,395






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