The Stage Media (Liberia) articles are subject to observations and corrections by the entire editorial team before their publication to avoid possible errors. However, as factual errors or omissions can sometimes be beyond our control, we have provided a protocol to correct our review articles. The correction of our articles can start from the observation of a member of our team or the reaction of a reader. It is with this in mind that we have planned on our site, a space through which our readers can send us their reactions if necessary.

In the event of an error, our readers can notify us through our email address: [email protected], or use the tab called “Submit an article to us” on the Stage Media website. In this tab, we ask our readers to put their names, email addresses, and the subject of the message. If it is a correction or precision to an article, we suggest that you specify the title.

  • Once a reader reports an error in one of our articles, the technical team is responsible for acknowledging receipt of their message.
  • The technical team in turn shares the message with the editorial team.
  • The editorial team is therefore responsible for rereading the article concerned by the observation, taking into account the observations and re-contacting the author of the message if necessary.
  • After verification, if the editorial team determines that a mistake has truly been made in the article, it advises the technical team to pin the article as a quote, being rectified, with a focus on the specific content that needs to be corrected.
  • After the fix has been made, the article is marked as Updated with a precise marker on the content that has been fixed.
  • Once the correction is applied, the article is pinned Updated with precision on the corrected content.

Claim Process

When you believe a fact-check is inaccurate, please contact our staff. Our correction policy can be found here (link). We do not, however, handle complaints:

  • Based on threats made against our teams
  • If bad faith is demonstrated, by categorically refusing to acknowledge the facts
  • We also do not handle claims in return for cash or other benefits.

Once the adjustment has been made, the article is pinned with the precise content. TSM has yet to process a single appeal.