Cabinet Retreat/ Facebook

Source: DN-News Liberia

Full Text: On August 2, 2024, online broadcasting and media production company “DN-News Liberia,” with 9.6k likes and 106k followers, posted that only 26.5% of officials within President Boakai’s administration declared their assets as per the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission Act.

The Assets Declaration prevents public officials from conflict-of-interest accusations and illicit wealth accumulation, increasing public confidence in leaders and those prone to discretionary power use. 

President Joseph Boakai was sworn into office in January of this year and began the appointment of his cabinet ministers to help implement his agenda.

As part of that, it is mandated by the code of conduct (COC) that individuals, before taking office, declare with the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) his or her access and do the same when existing government. 

On June 20, 2014, an Act of the Legislature prescribing a national code of conduct for all public officials and employees of the government of the Republic was enacted, predicated upon Article 90(c) of the 1986 Constitution of Liberia. 

The COC’s Part 10 mandates the declaration and registration of personal interests, assets, and financial bonds by public officials and government employees.

When President Boakai commissioned the ombudsmen, he said, “Today, I will take that commitment further by being the first president in our nation’s history to publicly sign the Code of Conduct. And in so doing, I challenge and urge all others to sign and uphold the Code of Conduct.”

He continues, “Again, I want to remind officials in the three branches of government to respect our laws by declaring their assets. The Liberians expect that of us.”

Verification: The LACC is the arm of the government responsible for compliance with asset declarations by public officials. 

A press statement issued by the commission on August 1, 2024, on the asset’s declaration process confirmed the post by the news outlet.  

The LACC disclosed on its official Facebook page that only 26.5% of public officials in government comply with the Conduct of Code to declare assets out of the total of 1,900 employees and public officials of the commission identified.

Cllr. Alexandra Kromah Zoe reported that out of 73 elected officials, only 26 complied, and 1 out of 56 administrative staff at the House of Representatives and Senate. Out of 30 senators, 12 complied, and 84 of the 959 appointed officials complied.

Conclusion: Correct, only 26.5% of the LACC-identified governmental officials and employees followed the COC on asset declaration.


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