Claim: “Boakai Stole 2023 Election.” 

Source: Abraham Godsent Wheon

Verdict: False: President Joseph Boakai contested in the 2023 elections and was recognized as the chosen president by the electioneering organization. This proves that renowned reporter Abraham Wheon was wrong.

Full Text: Abraham Godsent Wheon, General Manager, Freedom Communications Incorporated, Freedom 87.9 FM and online TV on August 15, 2024, edition of the show, claimed that President Joseph Boakai stole the 2023 election from ex-president George Weah

Wheon is the host of a nighttime show tagged “Face the Issue” on Freedom FM, an anti-government radio station owned by former National Security Agency ( NSA) deputy director under the Weah administration Sam Saryon.

The claim is found in the one hour, seven minutes, and 56 seconds into the live broadcast. As of the time of our check, the broadcast attracted 465 reactions and 1k comments.

Verification: The National Elections Commission (NEC) is a Liberian autonomous public body responsible for conducting elections and enforcing elections laws, originating from the Constitution of Liberia, specifically Chapter X, Article 89. 

At its inception, NEC was called the Elections Commission (ECOM) which was initially composed of five commissioners. In 2003, the number was increased to seven, affirmed by the Comprehensive Peace Agreement on Liberia and established in 2004.

Liberia has an established history of civil violence following contested elections, particularly the 1985 Liberian coup d’état attempt which was the root cause of the First Liberian Civil War

This election is also notable as it is the first election without United Nations observers since the Second Liberian Civil War. Linda Thomas Greenfield, the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, warned that the U.S. would call out anyone who undermines the electoral process through fraud, violence, or intimidation, while ECOWAS, seeking to prevent another entry into the growing West African Coup Belt, urged for calm.

Additionally, ECOWAS reported that the election has sharply divided the population and urged for maturity from political leaders and a peaceful transfer of power.

Electoral system

The president is elected using the two-round system, while the 73 members of the House of Representatives are elected by first-past-the-post voting in single-member constituencies. One of the two members of the Senate from each county was also up for election via first-past-the-post voting.

General elections were held in Liberia on 10 October 10, 2023, to elect the President, the House of Representatives, and half of the Senate. Incumbent president George Weah was eligible for a second term. 

No candidate won a majority in the first round, with Weah narrowly placing first over opposition leader Joseph Boakai, which meant both advanced to a runoff held on 14 November 2023.

Boakai defeated Weah by just over one percentage point in the closest runoff in Liberia’s history, and Weah conceded the election peacefully.

Also, European Union observers described the runoff as remarkably close and well-administered ECOWAS and the United States congratulated Liberia on the “largely” peaceful elections. 

Conclusion: False! Contrary to Wheon’s allegations, Boakai emerged victorious in the second round of voting, defeating his opponent 50.64% to 49.36% of the total 66.12% of votes cast.


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