Claim: Agatha got a degree in mass communication from brickmaking

 Source: Shine Liberia 

Verdict: Partly True and False

Full Text: From a Bricks 🧱 maker to a University graduate 👨‍🎓 – This story never gets old. I Sold bricks and used the money to support myself in University and the up-keeping of my children. (

Congratulations Agatha. Degree in Mass Communication.


The post attracted 2.9K individuals, 453 comments, and 45 shares.

Verification: TSM checked the lady’s name and her degree. We established that the name of the lady in the picture is Sharon Mbabazi of Uganda and not Agatha, as the blog post. 

As to the claim of her being a Mass Communication student, the blog is correct.

Sharon earned a Mass-communication degree from Muteesa I Royal University in Mengo in 2018; The Observer published Mbabazi’s fantastic lifestyle, which defies gender and cultural biases in Uganda. 

This was after Sharon Mbabazi made a simple Facebook post showcasing her brickmaking skill, becoming an overnight sensation. 

Brickmaking is a family activity involving Mbabazi’s brothers and her dad.

The image went viral, generated public interest, and won the 23-year-old a lot of admiration for her sheer resolve and determination.

Nicholas Bamulanzeki tracked her down in Masooli, Nangabo Sub-County, Wakiso District.

Many societies regard brickmaking as an old-fashioned menial activity for energetic, uneducated men who have lost hope in getting tough jobs. It is also dirty and physically demanding, as one’s primary raw material is mud; seeing a young woman engage in such was shocking.

Her mother’s death in 2005 opened Mbabazi’s life up to the harsh realities of poverty. The third-born in a family of five, she recalls being in P2 at the time, and her father warned them to brace for a tough life. She has had a troubled school life; she was always sent home for lack of fees or educational materials. Her elder siblings dropped out of school, but Mbabazi completed A-level in 2014.

Conclusion: The post by Shine Liberia about a brickmaker is partly true as to her degree in Mass Communications and doing brickmaking for survival, but the blog is incorrect as to the lady’s name.

Joyce Wea [email protected]


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