Jemuel Davis,

Claim:  A most recent circulating Facebook shared post indicates that Ganta -Sanniquellie Highway has been cut off due to flooding.

Verdict:  TRUE

FULL TEXT:  Our people are stranded. This is the current condition of the Sanniquellie-Ganta highway Nimba County. They (corrupt officials) sit in Monrovia and lie all day about this highway. The road is impossible. Guess what? To even cross on the canoe is L$300 and to cross on someone’s back is L$200. Two persons have died in this water while crossing in the past times. Road network has remained one of the major problems in Liberia.

President George Weah in his 2020 and 2021 Annual message said there was construction ongoing on the following roads on the  47 km road from Sanniquelle- Logatuo

Verification:  In our effort to verify the claim, we travel to the scene of the flooded water Sanniquellie-Ganta Highway and talk with many people on the ground.

Many citizens who survive by means of transportation are stock up at the waterside along the Sanniquellie-Ganta highway because of the flood.

Speaking to the Stage Media on the scene, one of the drivers   Kolubah Bien said they have been at this point for four days waiting for the subsiding of the flood before departure.

‘’We are feeling bad because since Tuesday there is no way for the car to cross this place and the goods we have most of it has spoiled meanly plantain, bitter boil, Okra and other items. Now those that have money are transporting those goods by the way of canoe paying fifty Liberian dollars per beg of rice to have it loaded on cars across the river,’’ driver Kolubah Bein said. (

Prince Quiah one of the canoe paddlers said ‘’ we cross people in the canoe 100 LD per person, motorbike 250 LD and we charge you base on the weight of your load. We feel discourage base on this situation that’s why we are here to help our people because if we leave them accident may occurred’’.

For his part, the deputy chief driver for transport union Sanniquellie chapter Alex Brown appealed to the central government in making a frantic effort through the Senegalese Construction Company CSE in fast striking the road project.

‘Those that have their canoe have their own prices, sometimes they will ask pedestrians to pay according to their own way. I have seen them collecting money like 300, 250, 200,150, 100 and 50  Liberian Dollars as fees to cross people, loads and motorbike so to frankly tell you the exact money to cross seems difficult, there is luck in the price’’, Alex Brown said.

Conclusion: True, the road under construction by the SENEGALESE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CSE got disconnected after the heavy down pull of rain on Tuesday, August 31, 2021


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