As President George addresses the nation on Monday, January 24, we fact-check his
claim that the University of Liberia enrollment has increased from 8,000-
18,000 students.

There is an ongoing free- tuition policy for state-owned universities and

“We are encouraged by the impact of our free tuition policy for state-owned universities and colleges.
For example, since the implementation of this policy, we have seen enrolment at the University of Liberia more than doubled, from 8,000 students to 18,000 students. “

At the same time, Minister of State for Presidential Affairs Nathaniel McGill has made a similar claim.

“The University of Liberia enrollment during the past administration was 6-8000 but Since we took office the current enrollment is 18-19,000.”

The Stage Media requested the administration of the University of Liberia through the Freedom of Information (FOI) to provide the enrollment details.

Our request generated information from the 2014 enrollment to the 2020/2021 first semester.

In 2014/15, the University of Liberia enrollment was 32,625 with males comprising 70 percent
while females amounted to 30 percent.

After the declaration of the policy in 2018 there was a massive climb in enrollment at the University of Liberia with the registration of 38,391

While the 2019/ 20 and 2020/21 first semester records were the lowest, it is safe to say excluding 2018/19, the University enrollment has been above 18,000 before the ascendency of the Weah’s-led administration.

See the table below



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