PC: Partners in Health

Claim: “Increment in doctors’ monthly salary from US$700 to US$2,000.”


Full Text: The government of Liberia, through The Ministry of Information Cultural Affairs and Tourism( MICAT), has released its years in review covering 2018-2022 on January 13, 2023. 

The reviews, among several things, outlined various achievements made by President George Weah’s administration, among which it was noted that doctors’ monthly salary was increased from US$700 to US$2,000. 

Healthcare workers begin working for the Government of Liberia as contract employees and receive remunerations at the health facility where they work, via check and cash, as incentive pay.

Verification:  TSM contacted Lawrence Fahnbulleh, Director of Press and Public Affairs at MICAT, on January 17, 2023, to request supporting proof of the claim.

He said, “We (MICAT) are not the ones that compose the document; It came from the sector ministries. So, visit the sector ministry to learn more.”

We also contacted Dr. Alberta Clarke, President of the Liberia Medical and Dental Council (LMDI), but she refused a mobile interview requesting an in-person interview.

She later declined the interview and refused to be recorded becausery of Health (MOH) should be contacted instead of the LMDI.” According to her, MOH would be more on point than her.

Felecia Gbesioh, Communication Director of the Ministry of Health, contacted by TSM on the claim, and she termed it FALSE.

Gbesioh said she spoke with the Minister of Health, Dr. Wihelminah Jallah, who told her that they (MOH) are presently validating the documents of doctors who are leaving from one level to the next.

“Upon completion of the validation process, an increment will be done on staff salaries across the board on different levels and She told me they have not increased any specific person’s salary,” Gbesioh said.

At the same time, Dr. Wilheminah Jallah stated during the sixth convocation of the Liberia College of Physicians and Surgeons that steps are being taken to review the salary structure of healthcare workers, from doctors to the lowest person in the sector.

We contacted two doctors who said this:

“Our salary is very discouraging. For me right now in my family, I can tell anyone in my family right now that I don’t want to be a doctor; I don’t want you to go near the health sector. (www.christophechoo.com) Because the place we’ve found ourselves we’re like slaves.” Dr. Albert Brown

Rita Dahn said, “That little pocket change for others is our salary. It doesn’t come on time. The sector we’ve found ourselves in, you want a salary and it is o little to cater to your needs.” 

In 2019, Doctors also petitioned lawmakers to reduce their salaries and benefits.

Conclusion: MICAT’s claim that a doctor’s monthly income has increased from US$700 to US$2,000 is False.

  By: Gloria Wleh     


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