Henry Costa Image Credit: FPA

Claim: Henry P. Costa Reiterates Quest to Be Vice Standard Bearer to Unity Party’s Joseph Boakai

SourceFrontPage Africa

Verdict: Misleading

Full Text: March 20, 2023, to May 11, 2023, has been apportioned by the Liberia election governing body, National Elections Commission(NEC), for citizens of the country to register to vote.

During this period, Liberians have been encouraged to participate in forming part of the October 10, 2023 election.

When the process started in Montserrado and other counties on March 20, 2023, Liberians were seen going to the voter registration centers to enlist their names. This process qualifies one to exercise their franchise. (www.traveltalktours.com)

A Franchise is a right to vote in elections and be elected by other eligible adult community members. 

One of those who have gone to ensure that their names are enlisted is a vocal Talk-Show host turned politician, Henry P. Costa, who is reportedly among those that have been considered to be picked as running mate to former Vice President, now Political leader of the opposition Unity Party (UP), Joseph N. Boakai.

Many people, including bloggers, have posted referring Costa as the running mate to the former Vice President.  

 The Liberia Influence, JK TV, and Shine Liberia have also posted, while Costa has opted for this slot.

Verification: Costa has even publicly attacked other politicians who have doubted his ability to become a vice running mate but acknowledged that he (Costa) could not put himself forward as a VP candidate.

After his registration, Costa was interviewed about his decision to either contest the senatorial seat of Montserrado County for which he had earlier expressed interest or await to be picked for vice Presidency. 

In response, he laughed and said, “You see in life, there are somethings that are within our control. I am running for Senator, that is what I am running for but I don’t get to decide whether I run as vice president. To be Vice President, you can not have an ambition to be vice president right? You have to be picked or selected by the person who is running for president. That person has to have confidence in you, that person has to be able to know and appreciate that you can help them win.”

Since the interview, news outlets in Liberia, including one of Liberia’s outstanding newspapers,  FrontPage Africa, published an article that the talk-show host in that interview reiterated his quest to be vice running mate.

FPA carried a headline that said, “We Will Be On The Ballot” – Henry Costa Reiterates Quest To Be Vice Standard Bearer to Unity Party’s Joseph Boakai

Conclusion: It is fair to state that the Frontpage Africa article is misleading. Henry had opted but did not reiterate his quest in the recent interview when he went to register. 


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