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Claim: Prince Toles wins District 8 election

Verdict: True. The NEC has announced Prince Toles as the Montserrado District 8 winner.

Source: Journalist James Samuel Goodday Flomo

Full text: β€œBreaking! Confirmed. Hon Acarous Moses Gray has finally lost D#8. D**n! A general is gone!😭😭 We will miss you forever πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I dare him to come back on Facebook and write any tabata again. Congratulations, Prince Toles, but please don’t go to Paris and marry like the former Representative Gray. At long last, the General died in crossed fire πŸ”₯Β  Ley thing can hurt mehn😭😭😭😭😭.”

James is a Liberian journalist with Spoon Network. He has 27k followers on his Facebook page.

Up to the time of our check, the post had 114 reactions, 101 comments and 131 shares

Prince Toles is the Unity Party’s representative candidate in Montserrado County’s district eight. Toles is a serious challenger to incumbent Acarous Moses Gray of the Coalition for Democratic Change, and the two have been neck and neck in early results released by the commission

Gray was contesting for his third term which is for another 6 years which amounts to 18 years, while Tole was also competing for the third time against Gray.

Verification: We previously published that the claim was hurried on since Toles was not yet announced by the NEC. On Tuesday the commission said that 81 polling sites out of 83, or 97.58%, had reported during the publication of preliminary results for district eight Montserrado county on Monday, October 16, 2023. Incurbant Gray received 8,955 votes (32.60%), while Toles received 8,934 (32.53%). The commission did not disclose District 8 results on October 17, 2023, because they said there had been no fresh results since the last one on October 16, 2023.

But on October 18, the commission affirmed Toles as the elected representative for Montserrado District no. 8 after 100% of polling places.

Conclusion: Even though we previously fact-checked this claim with the rating hurried-on, it is fair to say that the National Elections Commission has declared Prince Toles of the Unity Party as the winner.


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