Staff Writer
Even though the government of Liberia through the Minister of Justice, Frank Musa Dean, told the international community that since 2015, Liberia continues to be “calm and peaceful with no human rights violations,” President George M. Weah has called on every citizen and government officials to have a video camera in their facility as a means of security.
Minister Dean with a six-member delegation presenting Liberia’s third Cycle National Report to the Human Rights Council (HRC) in a zoom meeting -‘Liberia’s annual United Nations Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review (UPR).

The UPR reviews of Liberia’s human rights records said Liberia has no reports of persistent patterns of human rights violations with impunity.
But a week after Minister Dean’s statement, President Weah signing the book of condolence of Internal Audit Agency (IAA) Director-General, Emmanuel B. Nyeswa, told journalists that going forward, Liberian should be ‘their brothers’ keepers and keep their own security.
United Nations Resident Coordinator, Dr. Kingsley Amaning, at the passport issuance reform initiative and the signing of the amendment of the 2017 extension contract said it is the duty of every state to provide protection for its citizens; a reason he said makes the provision of a passport for every citizen a part of human rights. (Tramadol)

“You know, I was just sitting and told the protocol… why sitting I see everyone coming into the building on video camera, why not, every government official and citizens try to have a video camera in their facility to see who comes in and out, I think that is good security,” President Weah said.
“Our own responsibility,” Weah said, “is to make sure we have the police and government officials and military make sure no one entire our country and on one doing an act that is not correct but we can don’t want to hold people responsible for what happens in their own lives.”
President Weah said as a country, the government has not been able to establish the cause of the IAA boss’s death, but citizens must also take responsibility for their own life, surrounding, and what they do.
He said it is sad to lose those four government employees, adding that “I am sad because those that die are not only working in the government but remember they are citizens.”

Weah said, “We have come as a family and also a government to sympathize with the family for this sad event and we are going to be there until the end. We lost another friend and a family.”
He said the investigation is ongoing and the government is waiting to listen to the experts for the outcome.

“It is not just Mr. Nyeswa, but we want to understand why innocent people….we cannot explain it.. that is why we are doing our best with international partners to bring in pathologists and other experts to help us, I think it is important,” the Liberian leader said.


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