By: R. Joyclyn Wea-54weajoyclyn@gmail. ( com

Claim:  No one will be allowed to do their voter registration in the upcoming 2023 elections if they don’t have either of these documents: a passport, birth certificate, or citizen identification card.

Source: Jefferson B. Mawolo.

Verdict: True

Full Text:  An activist and politician, Jefferson B. Mawolo tweeted that no one will be allowed to do their voter registration for the upcoming 2023 elections if they don’t have either of these documents: a passport, birth certificate, or citizen identification card.

Since the information was released, many citizens have expressed concern about the proposed process of voter registration in the 2023 general and presidential elections.

Liberians will go to the poll to elect new leaders including the president, Lawmakers in 2023.

The move by the commission is the first in three consecutive elections including ex-President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, two terms, and current President George Weah.

Verification:  Prince Dunbar, Deputy Public Affairs Director at the National Elections Commission confirmed the information using either a passport, birth certificate, or citizen identification card

Dunbar says there is a list of requirements only for the coming voter registration exercise expected in December 2022.

A number of these include a valid passport, a valid National Identification Registration card, two elders to stand that you are a citizen, and so on.

He promised to send the full document two days ago but failed to do so to date.

Conclusion:  Based on official confirmation by an NEC spokesperson, that an individual who does not meet the requirement will not form part of the 2023 electoral process, is True.


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