
By Abraham B. Mulbah

Monrovia-At Eight 0’Clock AM today, Liberians will be in queues electing their next Senators and Motorcyclists in Paynesville, one of the largest cities in Montserrado County has called for a peaceful election.

There are 10 contestants for Montserrado County out of 118 candidates contesting in the 15 counties; Bernard Blue alias DJ Blue, Abraham Darius Dillon, Phil Dixon, Thomas Fallah, Evangeline King, Sheik Kouyateh, Siah Tandapolie, Cecelia Teah, Isaac Vah-Tukpah, Jamima Wolokolie.

It is unknown who will win, but Coalition for Democratic Change Thomas Fallah, current representative, District 10 is contesting against incumbent senator Abraham Darius Dillon on July 29, 2019, was elected after the death of Senator Geraldine Doe Sheriff.

The outcome will of the elections will serve as an important scale of the current regime of President George Weah and his Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) as he approaches the halfway point in his first six-year term in office.

Equally, it is important for the opposition, which recently unified under the umbrella of the Collaborating Political Parties coalition (CPP), indicating the level of its preparedness to provide a credible alternative to the CDC in the 2023 presidential vote.

The most high-stake seat in Tuesday’s polls is Montserrado County, which includes the capital, Monrovia, and contains about a third of Liberia’s registered voters.

There are 70,000 motorcycles and 130,000 motorcyclists in Montserrado, and they have been weighing in about today’s election.

Amos Harris of the Swankamore community describes the election as tough, stating the outcome of the election will inform the government that there are issues that need to be addressed.

Harris wants youths to turn out in numbers to vote for the candidates of their choice and not based on the t-shirts and the money, but rather scrutinize candidates before voting.

He thinks electing Representative Fallah as Senator will bring constraints to the already limited budget and economy.

Harris is voting Dillon.” We need to put someone like Dillon there because he is going to expose those hidden things In the Senate. ( ”

Cyrus Johnson, Red-light, wants free, fair elections void of violence. “The senatorial election today must be free, fair, and transparent because we don’t want any form of cheating and the youths should embrace the outcome of the election, they must say no to all forms of violence to keep our country safe.”

“He further encouraged cyclists to turn out and make a wise decision that will positively impact the lives of young people.” I want to use this opportunity to say to all my boys (motorcyclists) in Montserrado to come out and vote for their future to be better”.

When further asked about the candidates, Dillon and Fallah, he couldn’t hold back his joy but screamed, “Thomas Fallah all the way.”

Johnson said voting for Thomas Fallah is the right decision. “Liberians need to shine their eyes on to vote Thomas Fallah for a better Montserrado.”

Orasius Blamo, 19 years, Chicken Soup Factory, said the young people are going to determine the next senator of Montserrado.

If the young people failed to come out to vote today, the older ones will make a decision that would probably affect their lives positively or negatively, so the decision is in their hands.”

Blamo cautioned motorcyclists to remain peaceful and avoid riots, especially on election day.

” We need to act very maturely, especially my motorcyclist’s boys, we must keep the peace and stay out of violence and riots.”

He declined to disclose his choice of candidate, “let’s keep our votes to ourselves because if you have Darius Dillon and Thomas Fallah people on the same line and you start to say something bad about the opposing candidate, that alone could bring the noise.”

Meanwhile, Former National Election Chairman Mr. James Fromayan in a phone interview, said he expects a free, fair, fair and transparent election as it was under his administration.

“Well I can’t predict what will happen but, what I know is that in the past, at the Elections commission; we do all our homework and make sure we are transparent.”

He cautioned the current board of directors at NEC to deliver and make the process transparent, not just by word of mouth but through action and being made manifest.

“I know the process going to be free and fair not just by words, but it should be made manifest and I hope they will do their best.”

He further encourages all citizens to remain peaceful and law-abiding.



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