AFL Wives protest Image: Facebook

The Military Wives Association held a series of protests on February 11, just days before the Armed Forces of Liberia celebrated its anniversary, protesting several concerns affecting soldiers and their families in the AFL.

These difficulties, which included bad housing conditions, stagnant earnings, and insufficient health insurance, generated a greater sense of unhappiness among military personnel.

Major General Prince C. Johnson, III (Rtd.), who had been confirmed as Minister of Defense, was compelled to quit three days later.

His resignation was sparked by protests by spouses of troops who believed their husbands were mistreated during Maj—Gen. Johnson’s term as Chief of Staff under ex-President Weah.

The women, who staged a well-organized demonstration in numerous areas, including Montserrado, Bong, and Grand Gedeh Counties, complained about poor housing conditions, stagnating earnings, and insufficient health insurance, while some of the unhappiness extended throughout the military. They blamed the former Chief of Staff for the barracks’ long-standing problems, claiming he did too little to alleviate their situation.

The women who protested included wives of servicemen from Camp Tubman Military Barracks in Grand Gedeh County, Gbarnga Military Barracks in Bong County, Todee Military Barracks in Montserrado County, Lofa Military Barracks, Coast Guard and Star Base Military Barracks, the Military Police Barracks at the Smell No Taste, Roberts International Airport, and the Edward Beyan Kesseley Military Barracks in Lower Margibi County, which is home to the 23rd Infantry Brigade.

Maj. Gen. Johnson then resigned, citing civil and political disobedience caused by protests by women claiming to be the wives of men in uniform. (Clonazepam) He also said he decided to preserve the peace and security of the country.

However, the Executive Mansion said in a Facebook post that President Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr. has received and accepted a resignation letter from the recently confirmed Minister of National Defense, Mr. Prince C. Johnson.

Additionally, on February 12, President Boakai in a video said the committee had been set up to investigate the incident, adding that the committee reports in two weeks. 

As stated by Boakai, the two weeks period Elapsed on February 26, 2024, but the public is yet to get the findings from the committee.


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