Question: Should Breastfeeding Mother Takes the Covid-19 Vaccine and Pregnant Women Take the Vaccine?

Since the pandemic started, there have been many questions about the vaccine — its availability, efficacy, etc. Now that it is here, people are curious to know how it works once inside the body, and if there are any risks associated with it. For pregnant women and breastfeeding, especially, there have been numerous questions around the safety and security of their baby, and whether they are more vulnerable to the virus in their immuno-compromised state.

The Stage Media contacted Medical professionals, WHO  and the Center for Disease Control to answer the question.

CDC said Pregnant people are more likely to get severely ill with COVID-19 compared with non-pregnant people. If you are pregnant, you can receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy can protect you from a severe illness COVID-19. If you have questions about getting vaccinated, a conversation with your healthcare provider might help but is not required for vaccination.

Also, Breastfeeding mothers must get vaccinated as there are no risks for vaccinating breastfeeding mothers. The antibodies could pass to the babies as well and it may offer immunity to the baby also like other vaccines given in pregnancy.

However, there is currently limited data on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnant people.

Clinical trials that study the safety of COVID-19 vaccines and how well they work in pregnant people are underway or planned. Vaccine manufacturers are also collecting and reviewing data from people in the completed clinical trials who received the vaccine and became pregnant.

According to Dr. Mosoka Fallah, a Public Health specialist said there is no known risk in having the COVID-19 vaccines if you are breastfeeding, so you will still be offered the vaccine.

he said there is no need to avoid becoming pregnant after having the vaccine. Depending on your individual situation, you may decide to delay trying for a baby until after you have been vaccinated.

Dr. Anthony Brown, a medical expert said there is no evidence to suggest that COVID-19 vaccines will affect fertility. However, post-vaccination, it is recommended that any fertility treatment should be resumed within a span of 45 days.

“Although most pregnant women experience mild symptoms of COVID-19, the risk of more severe complications increases in the third trimester. Women in their third trimester should pay extra attention to social distancing measures and seek support straight away if they are concerned about symptoms.

“There is no data that the vaccine will have an impact on breastfeeding, which has multifold benefits for both the mother and child.


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